HSHS Alumni Meeting - January 23, 2018

Post date: Feb 1, 2018 7:43:53 PM

HSHS Alumni Association Annual Meeting Minutes

January 23rd, 2018 at 7pm

Fall River County Courthouse Meeting Room

The meeting was called to order by President Stacey Martin at 7:05 pm.

Members present: Stacey Martin, Laura Tarrell, Brett Nachtigall, Cheryl Huddleston, and Mel Engebretson.

Guests: Caitlin Turner, Steve McBride, Valerie Andrews and Crispeen Stover.

Minutes from Annual 2017 meeting were read. A motion to approve minutes was made by Laura, seconded by Cheryl. Minutes approved. No corrections were made.

Financial Report was given by Treasurer Laura Tarrell. Balance as of today in checking $10,312.24 and the total amount in CD's is $25,888.05. Gave update on CD's. A motion to approve financial report was made by Mel and seconded by Brett. Financial report approved.

2017 Activities Chairpersons gave summary reports of activities:

Teacher of the Year- report given by Laura Tarrell.

Awards Night Ice Cream Social- report given by Mel Engebretson.

Scholarships- report given by Stacey Martin.

Punt, Pass and Kick- report given by Brett Nachtigall- Program no longer exists.

Parade Floats for Homecoming and July 4th- report given by Brett Nachtigall.

Hot Springs Clean Up- report given by Stacey Martin in lieu of Kelli Rhoe.

Web Site- report given by Stacey Martin.

Assignment of 2018 Activities Chairpersons:

Teacher of the Year- Laura Tarrell

Awards Night Ice Cream Social- Cheryl Huddleston

Scholarships- Stacey Martin

Parade Floats for Homecoming and July 4th- Brett Nachtigall

(Comments about storage of bison & shaved ice machine. Do we store machine, rent out or put to use?)

Hot Springs Clean Up- Mel Engebretson

Web Site- Stacey Martin

Liaison for All Class Reunion- Steve McBride

Election of Officers and Board Members:

New Officers for 2018 will be the following-

President: Stacey Martin (2018)

President-Elect: will be selected in 2019

Treasurer: Laura Tarrell (2018)

Secretary: Caitlin Turner (2019)

Board Members-

Stacey Martin: 2018

Mel Engebretson: 2019

Laura Tarrell: 2018

Cheryl Huddleston: 2019

Brett Nachtigall: 2019

Caitlin Turner: 2020

A motion to nominate Caitlin Turner as secretary made by Stacey Martin, seconded by Laura Tarrell. Stacey Martin, Laura Tarrell and Caitlin Turner will be signers on the account at First Interstate Bank.

Old Business:

PO Box- Stacey Martin notes that scholarship applications will be coming in soon. PO Box might be convenient/easier for applicants and to make sure applications don't go missing. A scholarship recipient last year had issues with finding an address to send a thank you note. Discussion was held about having an official mailing address for the upcoming All Class Reunion. Discussed price, size of box and # of keys. All agreed PO Box is a good idea. Stacey and Laura will have keys and decide on schedule for checking box. Mel Engebretson made motion to get a PO Box, Laura seconded. Motion passed.

New Business:

Scholarship Update- CD for the Brianna Bogner Scholarship- Laura Tarrell gave update on scholarship. Mel Engebretson made a motion to move forward with a CD for the Brianna Bogner Scholarship. Caitlin Turner seconds. Motion passed.

All Class Reunion- Steve McBride, Valerie Andrews and Crispeen Stover are interested as reunion volunteers. Steve McBride will act as liaison for All Class Reunion. Discussion was held on dates for All Class Reunion. Unanimous decision that 2020, in conjunction with July 4th would be best. Discussed volunteer or paid positions? Last All Class Reunion in 2010 there were 2 paid positions for organizers. Budget was $2,000 in 2010. Discussion held on what funding would be needed for All Class Reunion, what kind of budget would be necessary, updated amount paid for organizers and number of organizers needed. Discussion was held on whether we might need to increase amount of organizers from 2 to 3, double amount paid from 10 years ago. Can we afford $4,000 budget? Yes.

Comments made amount keeping shaved ice machine as a fundraising effort.  It was decided that the event organizer(s) might be best suited for alumni only. Discussion held on whether to have a bid for organizers, to advertise/promote on radio or the newspaper. Additional expenses will include mailing. Brett Nachtigall has paper goods (envelopes, maybe letterhead) for alumni association. Brett will give these to Stacey Martin to store.

Discussed the possibility of looking into using a company to check if addresses are valid? Cost for this service? Brett Nachtigall comments that using mail to reach out is difficult. Addresses aren't updated, may not be reliable. Mel Engebretson wonders if using social media might be an option to reach younger classes. Stacey Martin asks about using emails. It is cheaper and we can use an email drive to get email addresses. Brett Nachtigall says the Hall of Fame Facebook page gets substantial views; they can share info about All Class Reunion.

Further discussion about using classifieds for a bid or advertise what we can pay for All Class Reunion organizer(s). Do we need contract? Was contract used before? (No.) Discussion held; decided it would be in best interest to spell out what we expect and what the organizer job description entails. If we pay part in beginning and part at end, contract would ensure that in the event an organizer didn't complete the job, that we would have it in writing that we wouldn't need to pay them second half. Discussed reunion volunteers creating a list of what they expect an organizer to do/create job description. Steve McBride will make a list and forward to Stacey Martin.

Stacey Martin will reach out to get more class coordinators. Discussion held on whether in person interview or if board members & liaison could just review applications. It was decided reviewing applications without in person interview would be fine. Will start process at end of March. Ideally to be decided on before summer, to give 2020 All Class Reunion organizers 2 years time to work.

Motion to adjourn meeting made by Brett Nachtigall and seconded by Mel Engebretson. Meeting adjourned at 8:15.