HSHS Alumni Assoc. Minutes - 3 Feb 2009
Post date: Mar 2, 2016 6:19:04 AM
FEBRUARY 3. 2009
The meeting was called to order by the President, Dave B. at 7:05 PM in the basement meeting room of the Fall River County Courthouse. Members present were Dave, Brett, Mel, Randy, Wanda and new board member Laura Tarrell. Absent Larry, Vickie, Scott, Noreen.
Article 2, Section 1 Size:
Amended by law: The number of Directors of the corporation board members to be 3 - 9.
New bylaw increases the number to 3 - 13
Article 5, Section 1: Election of officers:
Amended bylaw reads: President, Vice President-elect, Secretary, and Treasurer.
New by law: President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.
Article 5, Section 2 Terms of Office:
Amended bylaw: The term of office shall be two years. The first elected offices of the newly formed Corporation shall be president and treasurer for two year teams. The secretary and vice -president shall be elected for one year terms. Thereafter, the offices will be two year terms on a rotating basis. The officers may serve additional terms with a majority vote of the Board of Directors.
New by law: The term of office shall be one year. The first elected officers of the newly formed Corporation shall be the president and treasurer for two year terms. Thereafter, the office will be one year terms. The officers may serve additional terms with a majority vote of the Board of Directors.
Brett made a motion to change bylaws, seconded by Mel. The motion was passed unanimously.
A motion was made by Wanda to elect new board members: Laura Tarrell, 2 year term, Scott Haden, 1 year term, Anna Merrell, and Terry Slagel 3 year term. The motion was seconded by Randy and passed unanimously.
Treasurer’s report was given by Mel. She contacted the school and was given all monies they were holding for the scholarship funds from the Petty, Woodward accounts in a check which totaled $2,881.24.
Ending balance in checking account is $8,050.30.
Dave reported the $700.00 in the Alabough Fire Fund, would be dispersed when one person cashes their check. Another had not received their check, thus, it will be reissued, thus depleting this fund.
Mel cut a check to the Chamber of Commerce for $150.00 to be used for Teacher of the Year award… Nominees are: Kevin Neff - Elementary school, Truman Savery - Middle School, Kim Henningson – High School. Committee to pick teacher of the year are Karen Mueller, Lon Sharp and Dave Batchelor will fill in for Don DeVrees who is unable to participate.
Discussion to find a coordinator for the 2010 All School reunion was given by Mel who has called coordinators from classes and most said they would be available to help in some way. Robin Wynia is the only one who said they may be willing to head up the team to organize all of the reunion. Mel will contact Robin to explain terms and continue to contact others to be on the team. Brett made a motion to spend up to $2,000.00 to hire a team to coordinate the 2010 all school reunion. Motion was seconded by Wanda. The motion was passed unanimously.
Each class will be responsible to inform its classmates and the Alumni Association will reimburse any expenses incurred. A notice will be posted on the Alumni Site regarding hiring paid “all school coordinators” with the stipulation that they be local in and around Hot Springs. Brett will put a press release in upcoming Hot Springs Star about proposed 2010 All School reunion, stating anyone wishing to be on the team as coordinator should contact Mel. March 1st was set as deadline to determine if coordinators could be found. If not, the 2010 All Class Reunion will not be held.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:55 PM.