Alumni Annual Board Meeting 2020

Post date: Feb 6, 2021 11:05:36 PM

HSHS Alumni Association Annual Meeting Minutes

January 30th, 2020 at 6:30pm

Fall River County South Annex


The meeting was called to order by President Stacey martin at 6:47pm.

Members present: Stacey Martin, Laura Tarrell, Brett Nachtigall and Caitlin Turner.

Absent: Mel Engebretson, Cheryl Huddleston

Minutes from Annual 2019 meeting were read. A motion to approve minutes was made by Brett with corrections to Assignment of 2019 activities, seconded by Laura.

Financial report was not given. Treasurer Laura Tarrell indicated we are doing okay. She will forward financial report to President Stacey Martin at a later date.

2019 Activities Chairpersons gave summary reports of activities:

Teacher of the Year – report given by Laura Tarrell. School has requested not to do nominations, but rather have all 3 principals be recognized instead. Discussion held on what to do instead. Plaques in place of $200 to teachers. Motion by Caitlin, seconded by Brett.

Awards Night with Refreshments to Follow – report given by Stacey Martin in lieu of Cheryl. Request to do Subway sub tray rather than sugary treats/cookies to follow. Motion by Caitlin, seconded by Laura.

Scholarships- report given by Stacey Martin. All were applied for, all 8 awarded. Four at Firecracker as well.

Firecracker Race – report given by Caitlin Turner.

Parade Floats for Homecoming and July 4th – report given by Brett Nachtigall. Discussion held about storage of bison and where to go.

Hot Springs Clean Up – report given by Stacey Martin in lieu of Mel. Only Mel and her husband showed up, contact KHSB about giving away water frontage and keep bandstand only.

Website – report given Stacey Martin. Discussion about addresses being removed and why. Blowback has died down. Entire meeting attendees agreed about addresses being removed. Caitlin will watch email/login passwords during last two weeks of February.

Assignment of 2021 Activities Chairpersons:

Teacher of the Year- Laura Tarrell

Awards Night with Refreshments to Follow- Cheryl Huddleston

Scholarships- Caitlin Turner

Firecracker Race- Caitlin Turner

Parade Floats for Homecoming and July 4th- Brett Nachtigall

Hot Springs Clean Up- Mel Engebretson

Web Site- Stacey Martin

Election of Officers:

President – Stacey Martin

Vice President – Jerred Tarrell

Secretary – Caitlin Turner

Motion to nominate Stacey Martin as President made by Brett, seconded by Laura. Motion to nominate Jerred as Vice President made by Stacey, seconded by Laura. Motion to nominate Caitlin as Secretary made by Laura, seconded by Brett.

Old Business:

Firecracker Races- held discussion on Alumni taking over in the future. Caitlin will get together with Karen Meston to go over things. Karen discussed how the race operates. Design t-shirts, order, guess how many, getting volunteers, waivers, door prizes, cookies/bars, getting awards made, ordering bibs, getting supplies delivered for race and set up. There is a 1 mile, 5k and 10k. Registration at

All Class Reunion – Continued discussion on planning for reunion. John Luftkin will have a book written and will sell at reunion mixer. Greg at Vault is set to do the catering and will have a cash bar set up from 4-8. Mixer will be no charge, will set up donation can. This will be a social mixer. The Mueller Center is reserved, the annex and gym. Contact books will be available. Each class can have/man their own table. Will assign tables to each decade, can decorate or do as they wish with their tables. 8pm – the street dance starts so it can flow from MC to street dance. Discussion on decorations held. Tablecloths and balloons deemed appropriate. MC will be needed on Friday and Saturday. We will keep a table set up in the Annex. Discussion held on having a band. We do not want to complete with street dance/want attendees to be able to talk. Discussed activities such as games or scavenger hunt. A type of ice breaker bingo was suggested. Will ask Justin Gausman about doing a powerpoint. We could have trivia in the powerpoint about each decade/class. Will do a 50/50 raffle at mixer. There is a donation of art by Dino Cornay for auction/raffle at the mixer. Discussion on having a photographer or photo booth at mixer. Decided photo booth was best option, everyone has a camera on phone. Can have attendees take photos, send to Stacey or Facebook page to post. Karri Fischer and Caitlin Turner will work on photo booth plans. Discussed having a school tour and speaking with school/school superintendent about having access to school building. Discussed advertising needs/option. Will utilize emails and a fall page spread in the newspaper. We can offer $100 sponsorships for banner space and ad to those interested. Discussion on whether children were allowed at mixer or not. No final decision. Will meet again in April to further reunion talks. Discussion held on inviting past teachers to reunion. So far the decades 50s through 90s seem to be making plans. The 2000s and 2010s are still unsure.

New Business:

Secretary Caitlin asked group if creating a new/second binder for more recent minutes was okay. Group was fine with this.

Motion to adjourn made by Brett, seconded by Laura. Meeting adjourned at 8:40pm.