HSHS Alumni Assoc. Minutes - 18 Jan 2010

Post date: Mar 2, 2016 6:22:58 AM


HSHS Alumni Association Meeting


18 JANUARY 2010

The meeting was called to order by the president, Dave Batchelor at 7 PM at Brookside Meeting Room.  Members present, Terry Slagel, Brett Nachtigall, Janet Sieg, Larry Mowry, Cheryl Huddleston, Mel Engelbertson, Dave Batchelor, Wanda Aaberg, Laura Terrell, Denise Haden (sitting in for Scott Haden) and Randy Schur (late arrival).  Member absent-Anna Merrell.

Minutes for the 2009 annual meeting and special meeting on Feb 3rd were read as well as email votes held during the year by Wanda Aaberg, Secretary.  All minutes were approved unanimously.

Janet Sieg, who replaced Noreen Petty as a board member, was welcomed.  Scott Haden Mel Engelbertson and Cheryl Huddleston were nominated by Dave, seconded by Larry to serve as board members.  Nomination was passed unanimously.

Election of officers was held with all officers elected to remain as seated.  President, Dave Batchelor; Vice President, Brett Nachtigall; Secretary, Wanda Aaberg; Treasure Mel Englebertson.  A motion made by Larry, second by Scott to accept the officers as seated for the coming year.   The motion was passed unanimously.

Mel made a motion to send a $200.00 check to Lucille Birkholtz for yearly maintance of the Alumni web site.  Seconded by Laura.  Motion was passed unanimously.

Treasure report was given by Mel.

2009 Start balance  $5129.06     $1093.26  CD

Income                    $19547.37   $21104.06  Scholarships

Expenditure            $76.35

Balance                   $17074.43

Jan 2010  Start balance                        $17041.43

Income from CHAD & donation         $10025.00

Expense                                                   $750.00

Balance                                               $26315.43

Motions were made and passed unanimously for Mel to make final decision on what bank to use for depositing CDs.

Mel reported that the Alabaugh Fire Account is closed.

The High School overpaid the balance of the Scholarship fund in the amount of $900.00. A check was written in the amount of $1981.24 to replace the previous one which was for the amount of $2824.60.

Brett requested a donation from the Alumni Association to fund scholarships for kids to attend the local Boys & Girls Club and are unable to pay membership.  The amount of donation suggested was $3500.00 to $5000.00.  The decision was tabled until after Class Reunions expenses were tallied because of the amount of the donation requested.

Dave made a motion to increase the Woodard Cash Award from $200.00 to $500.00 and convert it to a scholarship.  Motion was seconded by Wanda and passed unanimously.

Nominations for teacher of the year are to be turned into the school by February 1st.  This year’s three judges are Leland Bristol, Bill Cofield and Don DeVries.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:35.