HSHS Alumni Assoc. Minutes - 13 Jan 2009

Post date: Mar 2, 2016 6:10:04 AM


HSHS Alumni Association Meeting


13 JANUARY 2009



The meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM by president, Dave Batchelor. Present were Larry Mowry, Randy Schur, Wanda Aaberg, Mel Engebertson, Dave Batchelor, Brett Nachtigall. Absent: Scott Harkless, Noreen Petty, & Vickie Nekuda.


Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved.


Treasurer’s report was given by Mel. The Alabaugh Fire account in Bank of the West has a balance of $732.06.  Mel will check to see if all checks have gone through the bank and have been dispersed. 

Two CD’s in First Western Bank total $25,093.26

Two scholarship CD’s in First Western Bank total $21,104.06

Mel will update CD’s as they come due to achieve the best interest rate.


From Operating Statement

Starting balance $ 2,054.93

Income               $35,336.33

Expenses            $32,262.20

Ending balance   $5,129.06    as of 13 January 2009


Mel requested that the treasurers books be audited but the members unanimously agreed that they were satisfied that she was doing an honest, excellent job. A motion was made by Larry and seconded by Brett to accept the treasurer’s report. Motion passed.


Marsha Jackson, business manager of Hot Springs School district, informed Mel that there is current balance of $2,243.89 in scholarship funds at the school.  Randy moved that Dave write a letter to Marsha to ask that we get this entire amount deposited into our scholarship fund account.  This includes $325.19 in Beatrice Petty Scholarship, $930.00 plus $25.00 in Woodward Scholarship. Mel will contact the Woodward family to get permission to deplete it into the Alumni Association Account. Dave will contact Noreen regarding writing a letter to school to deplete Petty memorial fund to Alumni Association account. Randy moved and Larry seconded a motion to have this done. Motion passed unanimously. 


Members of the board whose terms expire this year are Noreen, Larry, and Brett. A motion was made by Wanda and seconded by Mel to reinstate these members for a new term. Motion passed unanimously.


A motion was made by Randy & seconded by Mel to send Lucille Birkholtz $200.00 to cover the cost of maintaining the Alumni Association web site for 2009.  Updating the site with a fresher look was discussed.  Dave will contact Lucille regarding this suggestion. Motion carried.



The Scholarship report was given by Larry. Brett will place an announcement in HS Star to inform students that our applications are due by 10 April.

A total of $3,200.00 in scholarship moneys was awarded last year. 

$1,500.00 Alumni Assoc Scholarship

$500.00 Technical Training Scholarship (one unfilled)

$500.00 Teacher Education Scholarship

$200.00 HR Woodward Science Award

$500.00 Susanne Jett Davies Music Scholarship Award

 A new scholarship award this year will be the Clifford & Joyce Wilson Community Service Award.  An endowment of $10,000.00 was given by Allen and Barbara Wilson. One cash award of $500.00 will be given out annually based on public service.  Applications may be picked up at the school and the total for 2009 is $4,200.


A motion was made by Larry, seconded by Wanda, to purchase a half page ad in the 2008/09 High School Annual, with the amount not to exceed $75.00. It was agreed to purchase the current annual to be placed in the FR County Pioneer Museum. Motion carried. 


Barry Epstein, business manager for Pine Hills Retirement facility, requested the use of our mailing list. As it is public information, Dave told him it was permitted.


Brett gave a report on the local Boys & Girls Club.  The facility opened 5 January 2009 in the Elementary Activities room with a paid director and two volunteer staff.  They earned a $40,000.00 federal grant and are looking to fill a 100 member quota by the end of January.  As of this week they have fewer than 40 members.  Hours are Mon-Thu, 4-7 PM & Fri, 10 am-4 pm.  Agenda is after school snacks, help with homework, art and play activities.  They are in the process of getting 4th grade basketball participants into their membership as they practice in the facility after school. 


Dave gave a report on the National Honor Society Volunteer Project.  This project would allow students to volunteer in government and non-profit organizations. The goal is to motivate students on their path to future education/job experience.


A letter was distributed from Dr. Don Marchant, HS School Superintendent, asking for a donation of $7000.00 to help cover the initial purchase and installation of an electronic color LED message center, which would be located at University Ave in front of the High School.  The amount was rejected unanimously and a motion was made by Mel, seconded by Randy to table the request pending results of an offer of an alternate approach to the project.  Dave will contact Dr. Marchant with this decision.


A report on the teacher of the year interviews, which are due 30 of January, was given by Dave.  Karen Mueller, Lon Sharp and Don Devries have been asked to conduct the interviews.


An All School Reunion for 2010 was discussed.  Mel made a motion to hold the reunion and Wanda seconded the motion.  It was passed unanimously.  Mel made a motion to advertise in the HS Star for a person who would be paid a set amount for the work of coordinating the reunion.  This motion was seconded by Brett.  The advertising amount would be $26.80 for four weeks.  A discussion was held with regard to contacting each class coordinator to see if there was any interest of one or more of these to accept this position.  Mel volunteered to call each class coordinator and have the results back to Dave in a couple weeks.  The motion to advertise in the HS Star was tabled pending Mel’s research.


An election of officers was held. 

President: Dave Batchelor (he will commit to one more year)

Vice President: Brett Nachtigall

Secretary: Wanda Aaberg

Treasure: Mel Engebretson

Larry made the motion to accept results, seconded by Randy. Motion passed unanimously.


A discussion was held to increase the board of directors from 9 to 12 members in order to add new interest and ideas.  This would result in a change of the By Laws and one year term for officers.  There will be a meeting 3rd of February to discuss by laws change and class reunion report by Mel.


Mel will contact Jane Farrell to renew Certificate of Incorporation for 2009.


The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 PM.