HSHS Alumni Assoc. Minutes - 24 Jan 2011

Post date: Mar 2, 2016 6:24:11 AM


HSHS Alumni Association Meeting


24 JANUARY 2011



The meeting was called to order by the president, Dave Batchelor at 7 PM at Brookside Meeting room.  Members present were Laura Tarrell, Janet Sieg, Mel Engebertson, Randy Schur, Scott Harkless, Scott Haden, Wanda Aaberg, Cheryl Huddleston, Brett Nachtigall, Dave Batchelor, with Anna Merrill entering meeting at 7:05.  Absent were Terry Slagel and Larry Mowry.

E-mailed minutes from previous meeting were unanimously approved as written.

Financial report was given by  the treasure, Mel Engebertson 

Beginning Balance 2010      $17,041.43

Expenses                              $53,783.37

Income                                 $49,097.59

Ending Balance 2010         $ 21,727.21

Financial report for Jan 2011

Beginning Balance            $21,727.21     

Income                                    $278.25

Expense                                   $418.20

Ending Balance                   $21,586.76

Amount of Alumni association scholarship CD’s:

HSHS Alumni                                                              $10.000.00

Susanne Jett Davies Music Scholarship                       $11,010.80

H. R. Woodward Science Award                                  $10,000.00

Clifford & Joyce Wilson Community Service Award  $10,000.00

Treasure report from 2010 All Class Reunion           

 $6,448.77 which includes

    $145.00  from 50/50 drawing

 $1,530.00 from Quilt raffle

Dave thanked Anna on behalf of the Alumni for making the quilt raffle such a success.

The Community Center Initiative program was dropped as they have acquired 501(c) 3 non-profit status.  Two checks in the amounts of $99.00 and $65.00 were passed through us with our receiving $4.95 and $3.25 respectively.

The email vote of January 07, 2011 which allowed Andrea Powere to use the Alumni Association’s non-profit IRS status to be used on the application of a school related grant request was dropped.

The HSHS Alumni Association web site has been transferred from Lucille Birkholtz to Ross Johnson.  The new site address is hshsalumni.com.  We will pay the fee for the site in the amount of $415.00 ($200.00 plus 215.00 web posting fee) to Ross for the year. 

Mel has information from the recent class reunion of classmate updated addresses.  She will contact Ross to get this information on the web site.

Dave gave a report on the 2010 All Class reunion.  Substantial money was made with the exception being the dance which cost us $500.00 for the DJ and after dance clean-up costing us an additional $100.00. (Volleyball team did the cleanup before the Sunday brunch.)  It was noted that several voiced negative opinion at the dance because of the loud music and no one was interested in dancing- more on visiting and socializing.  It was discussed to have future all class reunions in an alternate year other than at the decade.  

Brett gave a report on the recently formed Bison Booster Club.  Randy Scott, Jonas Weiss and Brett are the initial committee.  Their mission statement is to support all athletic clubs. They would like to fund a scholarship and are considering having the Alumni Association assist with the implementation.  Additional functions of the Booster Club include assistance with travel expenses not covered by the school for athletes who attend state tournaments/events.  

Brett gave a report on the Boys and Girls Club. At the present time they are utilizing the Bethesda Lutheran Church building to house the 200 members.  50 to 60 kids come after school every day and 30 to 40 on Fridays.  It was noted that the facility is open until 7 each evening for working parent’s convenience.  The Alumni Association initially donated $5,000.00 three years ago and Brett asked for a minimum $1,000.00 additional donation at this time which qualifies the Alumni Association to be one of the club’s “Tremendous Twelve”, which provides special recognition for their top contributors.   Cheryl made a motion that we donate $1,000.00, Laura seconded and it was passed unanimously. .

Dave reported that forms have been sent out for nomination of teachers of the year for Elementary, Middle and High School.  Several nominations have been received. 

Activities Chairs were appointed:

Awards Night committee is Wanda and Randy

Order cake and get ice-cream and etc.

Scholarship committee is Larry, Terry, and Randy.

Punt Pass and Kick committee is Brett and Scott Haden

Parade Float committee is Scott Harkless and Cheryl

            Fourth of July and Homecoming

Class Reunions committee is Anna and Janet. 

Attend class reunions and sell 50/50 tickets, inform alumni about Alumni Assoc & that reunion information can be posted to web site.

I Love Hot Springs cleanup committee is Laura and Mel

            Clean up river and bandstand area from waterfall to Braun hotel

A discussion regarding future fundraising events for the scholarship program was held.   In addition to the 50/50 drawing at each class reunion, it was suggested we do a letter writing campaign to alumni members asking for tax except donation, a steak night, and putting a notice on web site giving information on how to make a tax exempt donation.  It was decided to hold a meeting in September to further discuss any other ideas/plans. 

Mel will ask Ross Johnson for ideas to tie fund rising to the web site. 

Election of Board Members was held.  Scott Harkless, Scott Haden, and Anna Merrill’s terms were up in 2010 and they agreed to continue as board members for the next three years to 2013 Randy made a motion to accept the three as members. Motion was seconded by Mel and was passed unanimously.

Election of officers was held:

Brett Nachtigall  President

Dave Batchelor Vice President.

Mel  Engebertson agreed to continue serving as Treasure.

Wanda Aaberg agreed to continue serving as Secretary.

A motion was made by Laura Tarrell  to accept these officers, seconded by Janet Sieg

Motion was passed unanimously. 

Randy was contacted by a local businessman to give a scholarship to a specific student.  It was agreed that the money could be passed through the Alumni Association to the specific student and given out on Awards Night. 

Mel informed the board that we are getting memorial donations and we will ask Ross to post the information on the alumni web site.

Dave volunteered to write financial businesses, lawyers and McColleys with information that the Alumni Association would benefit from memorial donations.  He will contact Jane Farrell for ideas regarding how to proceed with this program. 

Meeting was adjourned at 8:30.