HSHS Alumni Board Meeting 2019

Post date: Apr 18, 2019 5:04:35 AM

HSHS Alumni Association Annual Meeting Minutes

January 30th, 2019

Fall River County South Annex


The meeting was called to order by President Stacey Martin at 7:06 pm.


Members present: Stacey Martin, Caitlin Turner, Cheryl Huddleston and Mel Engebretson.


Guests: John Zolnowsky, Gail Reed and Cathy Olstad.


Financial Report was given by Caitlin Turner. Balance as of today in checking $3,830.01, balance of Community Benefit Account is $4,580.01 and total amount in CD’s is $27,248.19. Gave update on CD’s. A motion to approve financial report was made by Stacey, seconded by Mel. Financial report approved.


Unofficial minutes from Annual 2018 meeting were read. A motion to approve minutes was made by Caitlin, seconded by Mel. Minutes approved. No corrections were made.


2018 Activities Chairpersons gave summary reports of activities:

Teacher of the Year- Laura Tarrell not present. Caitlin Turner reported that Laura said she would be picking up nominations on Friday.

Awards Night Ice Cream Social – report given by Cheryl Huddleston.

Scholarships- report given by Stacey Martin. Discussion on new contact for school, how to advertise and options to increase amounts of scholarships.

Parade Floats for Homecoming and July 4th- Brett Nachtigall not present. Comment was made that there was a float in the 4th of July parade.

Hot Springs Clean Up- report given by Mel Engebretson. Comment was made that less glass is collected every year. Mel was complimented on how well the flowers were at the bandstand/gazebo area.

Web Site- Report given by Stacey Martin. Scholarship recipients and class reunions are kept updated.

Discussion on Awards Night Social- we had discussed during 2018 meeting. This will now be changed to more accurately reflect event, will now be named “Awards Night & Refreshments to follow”. Punt, Pass & Kick to be removed off of list for future. This does not exist anymore.


Assignment of 2019 Activities Chairpersons:

Teacher of the Year- Laura Tarrell (Laura was not present but had discussed with Caitlin that if there was no opposition, she would continue to chair.)

Awards Night & Refreshments to Follow- Cheryl Huddleston

Scholarships- Stacey Martin. Backup in case of conflict of interest- Caitlin Turner

Parade Floats for Homecoming and July 4th- Normally chaired by Brett Nachtigall, but Brett was not present. Caitlin Turner will chair in the event that Brett Nachtigall does not wish to continue. Caitlin will contact Brett about float details. Karen Meston has bison.

Hot Springs Clean Up- Mel Engebretson

Web Site- Stacey Martin

Firecracker Race- Caitlin Turner

 Discussion was held on what we do for floats. Caitlin was instructed to contact Brett Nachtigall about float.  Minutes can be corrected next year if Brett continues to chair. Discussion held on importance of Firecracker race. This funds scholarships. Discussion also held on if we still wanted to do HS Clean Up. Positive comments were heard, we will continue to help. This improves the look of our town immensely.

Discussed talking to City of Hot Springs about sign for band shell, this can be purchased at minimal cost. The sign would explain echo effect of band shell for tourists visiting area.

Discussed ways to get more people involved with HS Clean Up. Comments heard that some individuals still do not know that the Alumni Association is involved in community clean up. Held discussion of potential of using radio, flyers and newspaper to advertise HS Clean Up. Some were concerned that younger generation does not listen to radio or read the newspaper. Determined Caitlin will pursue the idea of posting flyers. Stacey will look into having this on the radio.


Election of Officers:

Treasurer:  Laura Tarrell

Vice President: Vacant.

A motion to nominate Laura Tarrell as treasurer was made by Cheryl Huddleston, seconded by Mel Engebretson. Vote was held, all in favor of Laura Tarrell to remain as treasurer. No nominations for Vice President. This remains vacant.


Old Business:

All Class Reunion Update- We previously decided to have a subcommittee, which has met since our last meeting in January 2018. This was fairly well advertised. 4-5 people showed (50’s-60’s). We discussed what has and hasn’t work for reunions. 50’s & 60’s mainly organize reunions and are tired of doing so. Newer classes are not interested in having reunions. Steve McBride (liaison) spearheads the subcommittee. They are discussing having a mixer on Friday evening at the Mueller Center with snacks provided. We will pay for social mixer for all classes to come to, at no charge. There will be a donation can. Cash bar will be available. The rest of the weekend will be left up to the decades/classes. Decade events may occur for 60’s (McBride) and 50’s. Those wanting to arrange events with their classes can have their registrations set up at the Mueller Center social mixer. We will coordinate with years that want to do floats. Majority take away was that no one is interested in an all class reunion. Each decade/class/group will be to themselves at the 2020 reunion. We have decided to use $4,000 for renting Mueller Center & food costs.  Discussion held on having 50/50 raffle at mixer or other events to fundraise for Alumni Association.  Further discussion held on why the 4th of July is or is not a good time for reunion. Majority agreed that for retirees it may not be the best time, but it works for others. Comment made that Hall of Fame uses different time.

Discussion held on doing more 50/50 raffles at reunions during the year to raise money.


New Business:

No new business.


Motion to adjourn meeting made by Mel Engebretson and seconded by Caitlin Turner. Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.